This week's music

Sunday 16th March

Parish Eucharist | 9.30am 

Choir of St Mary's Merton

Choral Evensong | 6.30pm

Choir of St Mary's Merton





Macmillan St Anne's Mass


Perry How beautiful are the feet


Be still for the presence of the Lord

391 Lord Jesus Christ

Christ Triumphant










Howells St John's Service


Gibbons Drop, drop slow tears


212 Who would true valour see

9 at even, ere the sun was set (omit*)

129 Lord Jesus think on me

Music List January - April 2024
ML Jan-Mar 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 307.9 KB

Posted by Choir of St Mary Merton on Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Carol Service 2020

A Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas
Lessons & Carols 2020.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 214.3 KB

Mothering Sunday Service

Address: Rev'd Judith Bersweden

Anthem: John Rutter All things bright and beautiful

Mothering Sunday Service 22 March
Adobe Acrobat Document 299.6 KB

Choral Evensong

Voluntary: Kenneth Leighton Prelude on 'Rockingham'

Responses: Aston

Psalm: 104, 1-20

Canticles: Christopher Totney Durham Service

Anthem: Peter Hurford Litany to the Holy Spirit

Voluntary: Mendelssohn Adagio from Sonata No.1 

Choral Evensong Friday 20 March
Choral Evensong OoS.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 172.3 KB

Interested in joining us? Find out more about our opportunities for singers aged 7+ here

About us

The Choir exists to lead and enrich the worship of the historic parish church of St Mary the Virgin, Merton SW19, which celebrated its 900th year in 2017. 


St Mary Merton provides a free musical education from professional musicians to young singers from across south London aged 6-18, as well as being at the heart of music-making - and the community - in Merton Park.

Join the Choir

At St Mary's, the top line in the Choir is sung by boy and girl choristers (aged 7+) from Merton Park and across south London. They sing at weekly choral services in the church and receive generous benefits including a free musical education from our music team, heavily subsidised private instrumental tuition, and trips around the UK and abroad. 


We also offer Choral Scholarships for boys with changing voices (countertenors, tenors and basses) and for girls in Year 10+ (aged 15+). Choral scholars sing with the Choir each week and receive specialist training, ideal for preparing for cathedral/university scholarships.


The remainder of the Choir is made up of adult volunteers singing alto, tenor and bass - many of whom live in Merton Park. We are delighted to hear from singers of any age who are interested in joining the Choir, and our Friday rehearsals are open to anyone who would like to attend a trial session.